Any Questions?
ANy questions?
How many productions do you put on a year?
We put on 10-12 productions a year which include productions in the main theatre and productions in our ‘DOWNSTAIRS@TheLittle’ performance area in the bar.
How many seats does your theatre have?
We can accommodate 71 guests in our main theatre auditorium, and 30 in our DOWNSTAIRS@TheLittle performance area in the bar.
What time do your shows start?
Evening Performances
Shows usually start at 7.45pm, but occasionally we differ from that so do check each show's advertised start time. Performances generally finish between 10-10.30pm, usually with one 15 minute interval. The theatre venue itself, and the bar, is open from 7.00pm.
Matinee Performances
Shows usually start at 2.30pm, but occasionally we differ from that so do check each show's advertised start time. Performances generally finish between 4.45-5.15pm, usually with one 15 minute interval. The theatre venue itself, and the bar, is open from 1.45pm.
Can you take drinks in the main theatre auditorium?
Yes. Cold drinks may be taken into the main theatre auditorium (only in plastic glasses) which can be provided by the bar staff.
I saw a show in which cast members smoked real cigarettes on stage! Isn’t that illegal now?
Whilst smoking in the theatre building is prohibited, the provisions of the Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) regulations 2006 legislation contains an exemption which applies to performers in performances - in specific circumstances. This is: "Where the artistic integrity of a performance makes it appropriate for a person who is taking part in that performance to smoke, the part of the premises in which that person performs is not smoke-free in relation to that person during his performance". Interestingly, the “part of the premises in which that person performs” is defined as the immediate area surrounding the actor, so when the actor moves across the stage, this ‘smoke-free exempt’ area moves with them. There is no exemption for smoking in rehearsals.
How much does it cost to become a member?
£20 per year to become a full (active) member and £5 per year to become a Friend of Brighton Little Theatre. Please visit the Join Us section of this website for more details.
Do I have to audition to become a member?
No, but you do have to audition for the productions we produce.
How many members do you have?
Approximately 220.
I have no acting or backstage experience whatsoever. Can I still join?
Of course you can! There is no pre-requisite for membership. Anyone can join of any age and any ability.
I am not a member; can I audition for shows?
Yes! You do not need to be a full (active) member to audition for shows, however if you are cast you will be required to join as a member.
Do I need to pay a fee to be involved in individual productions?
No. The only cost you pay is your membership. There are however nominal costs involved if you are part of a production that we take to the Minack Theatre in Cornwall, which usually happens once every two years.
I have just become a member. What happens now? How do I get started?
As you are now a member you will be able to audition for our plays. Attending a play reading is also a great way to get started as it allows you to meet other members, and build up your reading and speaking confidence in a relaxed, informal, and social setting.
If you are keen to be involved in the production (non-acting) side of a show, then please contact the membership secretary at membership@brightonlittletheatre.com.
Another great way is to spend a night working on the theatre bar during a production. This way you will be able to see the mechanics of a show in action, meet other members, talk to the actors, and gain an insight into the operation of the theatre. If you would like to put yourself forward to volunteer to help out working on the theatre bar, please email the membership secretary at the email address above.
Do you get paid for working on a show, whether on stage or backstage?
No. We are all volunteers and work on a show out of pure enjoyment!
Do I get a refund if a cancel my membership?
No. We do not offer refunds if you cancel your membership.
How far in advance to audition notices come out?
Approximately 6-8 weeks before the show.
How long are the rehearsal periods, how often do you rehearse each week, and at what times?
The rehearsal period usually lasts for about 5-6 weeks. You are usually expected to have all your lines learnt by the second week into rehearsals, after which scripts can’t be used unless absolutely necessary. Typically there are three rehearsals during the week starting at either 7pm or 7.30pm and finishing at 10pm and most directors also choose to run a 3 or 4 hour rehearsal on a Sunday, either mid/late afternoon or early evening.
How long do you have to learn lines?
On average, you will have 3-4 weeks to learn your lines before ‘books down’ (the point at which scripts cannot be used during rehearsals, usually a couple of weeks into rehearsals).
Do you use understudies?
What happens if a cast member falls ill just before or during a production run and can’t take part?
As we don’t use understudies we have to call on other members of the theatre company if they can step in at short notice. If a cast member falls ill during or immediately before a show run then the normal practice is for the director (or another willing member) to step in to play the character reading from a script in their hand.
Whatever happens, the show must go on!
How long have you been a theatre company?
We have been a theatre company since 1940. Please visit the history section for an overview.
How old is the building?
The building was erected in 1833, so it is over 190 years old!
Do you have facilities for disabled people?
Unfortunately, due to the small size of our theatre, we do not have facilities for disabled members. There are steps leading up to the main auditorium, and also down to the bar and toilets, and there is no way we can install any kind of ramp for people using wheelchairs.
Whose voice is heard at the start of each show welcoming us to Brighton Little Theatre?
The voice you hear is that of our current President Vic Maguire.
Who owns the theatre building and who owns the company?
The theatre building is owned by Brighton Little Theatre Company, for which all the members are part of. There is no one owner or ‘landlord’.
Brighton Little Theatre company is also not owned by any one individual. It is a limited company and a registered charity. The company consists of a committee which includes three executive members – a chairman, treasurer, and secretary, and four ordinary (i.e. non-executive) members.
Do you ever perform shows outside of the theatre i.e. at other venues?
Yes. We have performed at other venues including Brighton Open Air Theatre, the Gun Garden at Lewes Castle, Royal Spa Nursery, St Ann’s Well Gardens and (on invitation) we perform at the Minack Theatre in Cornwall.
Who runs the theatre and the company as a whole?
The theatre committee run all aspects of the theatre and the company.
Do you ever put on musicals?
Yes! Although we are a small venue, we try to stage a musical every now and then.
Do you have a backstage space with dressing rooms etc?
No not really. Space is very limited and we only have a narrow backstage area for the actors to hold. There are no actual dressing rooms as such and women usually get changed in the small kitchen area, and men in the workshop/prop storage room!
Is there a smoking area in the theatre?
Smoking is prohibited in the theatre building, and outside the front area of the theatre. We have a smoking area at the back of the theatre than can be accessed through the first fire door in the bar.
Any Other Questions?
If there are any questions that are not answered above, please don’t hesitate to email us at info@brightonlittletheatre.com