BLT Bursaries
Our Bursary Scheme
Did you know we offer Bursaries to any member who is undertaking a training course/degree programme in any area of the wider performing and visual arts?
These are offered up to a maximum of £500 per person per year and are given at the discretion of the Committee. In order to be eligible, you need:
To have been an active member for at least a year
To have been involved with a production (either on or off stage) in the last year
To provide a brief statement outlining your involvement with BLT, the course you are doing/applying for, how the BLT Bursary will help and also (if appropriate) how you would intend to use the skills you learn at BLT
Bursaries are open to any adult member and also to anyone in the final year of our Youth Group.
To apply, please use the form below.
Please note:
Receipt of a bursary in any given year does not imply continued funding. You would need to apply on an annual basis as appropriate.
Busaries are funded up to a maximum of £500 and may be awarded for less