Audition Notice

Anne Boleyn, By Howard Brenton

Directed by Steven Adams and Tess Gill

Sunday 20th February, 12Noon

For more information, audition pieces and to book an audition slot, please contact Steven on

Production Dates

6th – 14th May (10 performances including matinees on the 7th, 8th and 14th. No evening shows on 8th and 9th May) Brighton Fringe production


3rd April – 5th May (days and times to be confirmed)

About the Play

This is a celebration of a great English heroine, dramatising the life and legacy of Henry VIII’s notorious second wife Anne, who helped change the course of a nation’s history. Traditionally either seen as a pawn of an ambitious family or as a predator manipulating her way to power, Anne and her ghost are seen in a very different light in this epic play.

With a cast of characters including the infamous Henry, King James I and Thomas Cromwell this play is both historically illuminating while managing to be dearly funny.

Certain roles as indicated below will be cast gender blind. Character ages are also flexible.


Court of King Henry VIII

Anne Boleyn was 35 when she died. Spirited, well spoken, educated, intelligent and wilful. Would probably be a feminist if around these days – polarising. Think similar to Meghan Markle – breaks rules, love or loathe.

King Henry VIII - Playing age 30 to 40ish give or take. Henry VIII was 6ft 2in and of athletic build – incredibly fit and sporty. It is thought he was incredibly friendly, kind and caring until he suffered a fall when jousting which turned his personality to dangerous and brutal, this Henry covers both personalities…

Thomas Cromwell - Chief Minister to Henry VIII – a Lawyer who came from poverty. Scholarly, intelligent, and manipulative. Male or Female.

Cardinal Wolsey - Religious, scheming, and pious. Male or Female.

Simpkin - Cromwell’s servant. Male or Female.

Sloop - Wolsey’s, then Cromwell’s servant. Male or Female.

Anne’s women

Lady Rochford - Aristocratic, intelligent, a beauty. Married Anne’s brother George, had a part in the Anne and George’s downfall. Stayed in the royal household and was executed with Catherine Howard

Lady Celia – Lady in Waiting, well spoken, high spirited!

Lady Jane Seymour - A noble woman, lady in waiting – will be Queen after Anne. Young and pretty. Must be younger than Anne.

Court of James I

King James I - Son of Mary Queen of Scots – succeeded after Elizabeth I. Regal, handsome, gay… Larger than life, dramatic, and a little bit camp! Playing age – 30 – 40ish

Robert Cecil - King James’ man. Previously Elizabeth I’s Chief Minister. Political, scheming, intelligent, powerful! Spymaster – he uncovered the Gunpowder plot. Male or Female.

George Villiers - 1st Duke of Buckingham – the King’s “favourite” Young, handsome and playful, fashionable. Playing age 20’s

Parrot  - Cecil’s servant / assistant. Not particularly intelligent. Male or Female.

Dean Lancelot Andrewes – the leading Anglican, a traditionalist. Male or Female.

Doctor John Reynolds – a leading Puritan but moderate in tone. Male or Female.

Henry Barrow – another leading Puritan but more extreme. Male or Female.

Tyndale’s Group

William Tyndale - Leading figure in the Protestant Reformation, transcribe the bible into English. Religious, intelligent, multi-lingual. Male or Female.

Country Men and Women (followers of Tyndale)

Most of the smaller parts will probably be doubled.

BLT actively encourages auditionees from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities and any of the above parts could be played by any race.

The BLT Committee has decided that all those attending auditions will be required to provide evidence that they are double vaccinated before they enter the building – either from the NHS app, or the card which was issued to them at the Vaccination Centre. This will also include production directors and crew members.